Heartsville Map

About Heartsville

Heartsville is a small town and a place full of happiness, laughter and joy. Built on kindness and equality, it’s a safe place for every child.

As well as a welcoming neighbourhood of homes for the characters, the town has Heartsville School; a park with a sports field and an accessible playground; a fast-food restaurant that serves healthy dishes; a café that has a range of sweet treats; a library; and a second-hand clothing shop.

Everyone in the town likes to find ways to make the town a happier place. Each of the adult characters in the series works at one of the establishments in the town.

It’s a diverse and welcoming town where you regularly see acts of kindness, such as holding out an umbrella when it’s raining, offering to share a snack, helping someone who has fallen down, etc. And anyone who comes to town is welcome and treated like a friend.